
Showing posts from July, 2015

Music in the Sub-Sequential Era of the Grateful Dead

July 3rd, 10:15 a.m., blinds shut, lights off, yet solitude remains but a distant memory. Last nights endeavors weighing heavy on my lethargically warped brain. Through the splitting headache of yesterday’s mistakes remains a mysterious level of gratitude and sanctity. The Grateful Dead’s run may be coming to an end at the crest of the weekend, but thanks to their longwinded diligence remains a divine manifestation of music and subsequent outpouring of new bands. Artists have flooded into Chicago from all over the country to take part in this extraordinary weekend. Furthermore, it’s remarkably clear that much of today’s music has been derived and developed thanks to the musical contribution of the Grateful Dead.  Like it or not one of the biggest touring bands in the country, Phish unfolded and blossomed during the last days of the Grateful Dead in the early 90’s and then ballooned their following with the death of Jerry Garcia in 1995. That was a revolutionary point in time for t